Cyber ​​Crimes Online Fraud Precautions to be taken

Table of Contents

*Fishing (FISHING) 1
 Table of Contents
 * Smishing (SMS + PHISHING) 6
 *Passwords (PASSWORDS) 8
 *Passwords, patterns, UPI payments 10
 *Virus 12
 *How does a virus get installed in a computer/mobile?  13
 *Save passwords in browser?  18
 *ATM 20
 *How does card skimming (clone) happen?  21
 * SIM card swapping 25
 *Pirated software 27
 *Do you use free wifi in public places?  28
 *What do we say to thieves and hackers on social media?  31
 *Juice Jacking 30
 * How are our personal details files (Internet) going to the net?  33
 * Are social media accounts hacked or dangerous?  35
 *Fake News (Rumors) 37
 * How to send offers messages to our mobile number without registering
 are coming  36
 *What to do if your mobile is lost/stolen by someone?  40

Foreword :
If any educated person travels with a book in hand/
 There was a newspaper and in those days the book was called Hasta Bhushanam, e
 In modern times mobile phone can be said to be a hand ornament.
 Nowadays it is common for everyone to have a mobile phone in hand,
 From childhood games to adults' daily medications
 Everything is online.
 In a day, man uses a mobile phone instead of talking to man
 Good morning is a daily routine for many mobile phones
 It starts with messages.
 Computer, internet and in day to day business affairs
 Mobile is very important.
 Everyone from simple daily wage earners to big businessmen
 Mobile and bank account are the most basic needs of a person
 But all this is only one side of the coin.
 In such situations, cyber crimes and online frauds have become more prevalent.

Phishing :

As the name says Fishing (FISHING) means in Telugu
 Phishing, a similar method used by hackers, is
 Phishing is called.
 In this phishing attack, hackers fake (duplicate) web pages, phone calls,
 Baiting is done through messages and emails.
 If you get caught in this, it's like falling into a hacker's basket
 As the fisherman catches.
 For example website phishing, you need to login to any online account
 If you want, that's what you need
 Username and Password.
 After giving these two details click on the login button, but

Any details you give after clicking
 Did you think?  Usually when you click on login, the website will open
 Checks the details in the database, then
 Our account will be open, but in this process you have entered
 If the details go through a phishing page they will fall into the hands of hackers,
 If the details you have given are your online banking
 All funds in the account are empty.

Precautions to be taking
 Think before clicking any link.  Mouse over the link once
 Right click and select copy link address option and you have copied
 Paste the link in notepad and see, the link is not suspicious-
 Check if it is correct.
 For example
 * Relevant if you want to login to online SBI
 Original URL -
* - Because it is number 1 in the place i should be
 It is not original.
 * - English letter O (O) in place
 It is also not original as the number is zero (0).
 * Some hackers use url shorteners to fake links
 will send, for the full url of the suspected url http://
 Go to and paste the short url.
 * In this way hackers try to cheat in many ways
 will do
 * Lock in url while using online banking services
 Note the symbol and the https protocol, https instead of http
 Encrypted mode makes data transfer more secure as compared to protocol
 In does, its hackers transfer us through the internet
 Chances are less to see the data

Vishing :

Vishing is cheating through phone calls
 It means to do (simply said
 For example, my friend had one a year ago
 I got a phone call and the person on the other side was your father
 Bank policy is one of your bank's ATM card
 If we tell the details, the policy money is said to be istham
 He told the details and immediately sent the OTP to the mobile.
 n time password) came, our friend immediately got relieved
 OTP to withdraw money but money in the account
 Not for a thousand!  He asked and immediately called
 The caller hangs up the call, then repeats the process
 4 lakhs due to the fact that his relatives said OTP
 Empty from bank account.
 One such cybercrime among our relatives
 50,000 to one, his friend to 6 lakhs
 Avoid such scams early
 My key is to be aware of how frauds happen
 Purpose, because the hands are used to hold the leaves
 Because there will not be.

Precautions to be taken:

* In case of any suspicious phone calls do not give any personal details-
 It's good to go.


Collect details using SMS, or our-
 Smishing is tricking to download viruses
 Or called SMS PHISHING.

 For example:
 • You won ten thousand your viva-
 Click this link to donate stones
 The messages that come.
 • You are a gold/silver coin or not
 Pearls/Pendants are winning
 Click this link to enter your details
 Do messages or account
 Send money to and we will send it by gift post
 Messages and calls.
 • You won a car/bike your viv-
 Click this link to donate stones
 The messages that come.
 • Modi garu is giving free recharge to everyone with love, me too
 Click this link to recharge if you are surprised
 Do the messages that come.
 • Share this message in 10 groups and get 100 rupees talk time
 Receive messages etc 
Precautions to be taken :

* Don't share your personal details through messages to people you don't trust-
 * Before receiving any offers messages whether it is true or not
 Try to find out.
 * Before clicking any links eg if they are short URL
 Search on net as check short url
 Note the original url or
 Go and paste the short url and have a look

◆Passwords :

Guessing is one of the easiest ways hackers can crack passwords
 For example:

9xxxxxxxxx - Enter your mobile number as your password
 • RAJU@123 - @ 123 at the end of your name
 • R@ju123 - a=@
 • password - Set the password as a password
 • P@ssword - a=@
 • passw0rd - 0=O
 • qwerty, asdf - keyboard type learning combinations
 • 1234 - Number series
 • 123456789 - Number series
 • SIRI@2007 -
 • Lucky15$ -
 • Chandu@13
 • - Leave password blank means login without any password.

Precautions to be taken :

* Your password should be strong i.e. at least 8 characters long
 should be
 * Password (Special Characters) using special numbers and letters
 This makes the password more secure.
 For example : !  @ # $ % & * and digits 0-9, alphabets A-Z,
 should be a-z eg: Mr#!37b2.
 Compared to passwords like phone numbers, name raju, raju123-
 Then Mr#!37b2.  It can be said as a strong password.
 * Same passwords should not be used for all accounts
 For example: gmail, facebook, mobile, UPI payments (Google
 Separate passwords for Pay, Phone pe instead of using the same passwords
 It is good to use.
 * Your names, your children's names, your pets' names as passwords
 , your favorite cricket, football or other games team names etc
 do not use.

◆Passwords, patterns, UPI payments

In recent times, UPI payments have been high in a very short period of time
 have become popular (eg: Google Pay (TEZ), Phone Pe )
 How easy it is to make these payments if someone knows the password
 Leaving is just as easy.
 Some Simple Patterns

Precautions to be taken :

* If you put a pattern lock on the mobile lock, anyone can easily guess it
 Don't get in the way.
 * If using a pattern lock, use a pattern that is difficult to guess.
 * Pattern lock is same as phone lock and UPI payments applications but,
 Do not use number password.
 * Similarly other applications for chatting applications like whatsapp
 If you are using Ki lock, it is same as phone lock, pattern lock, number lock
 Do not use a password

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