Online Banking Safety Tips : Using Online Banking! - These 7 precautions must be followed

◆It is mandatory to follow these to avoid getting infected.  See that.

 Gone are the days of standing in queues to do banking transactions.  Many people are now transacting through Online/Net Banking.  All banking services are done online.  Internet banking is used for many things from payments to online shopping.  Technology has made banking easier.  But those who use online banking are sometimes cheated.  There is a risk of losing money to cyber criminals.  However, online banking can be used safely by following some precautions.  Risk of fraud can be avoided.
Password should be changed
 Online banking account password should be changed frequently to avoid getting hacked.  Password should be changed at least once in two or three months.  Also the password should be complex.  The password should be at least 8 characters including upper case, lower case letters, numbers and special characters.  Do not share Net Banking password details with anyone.
 Not on public computers

 Under no circumstances should NetBanking be used on public computers.  By doing this there is a risk of hackers stealing your information.  There are options to fund the account using your banking information.  So do not under any circumstances use net banking on public computers.  To be used on personal devices only.
 Verified apps, websites..
 Always use secure and verified apps/websites for online transactions.  Using an unverified app or website for online banking increases the risk of fraud.
 No public wifi
 A secure internet connection is also very important for using netbanking.  Under no circumstances should you log into online banking while connected to public WiFi.  Also don't use unsecured WiFi.  You need to connect to your personal home WiFi network.  Otherwise mobile data should be used.
Don't fall into the phishing trap
 Be very wary of phishing mails, calls and messages asking for your banking details claiming to have won prizes.  Do not give any banking information.  Also, do not give any information to those who ask for OTP and other details as if they are calling from the bank.  If you do, cybercriminals can empty your bank account with those details.  Also don't click on suspicious links.
 Secure your computers
 It is recommended that you use popular anti-virus software on the computer you use for internet banking.  These anti-virus softwares should be updated regularly.  By these you can escape from cyber attacks.  Your information will not be leaked.
 Be careful while using debit and credit cards
 Don't believe the mails and sms that you get to register with a debit or credit card saying that you will get travel benefits and you have won gifts.  Under no circumstances should the card details be entered.  Also don't share card details to strangers in the form of text, mails or calls.

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