Diamonds : Are diamonds real.. or not.. Know this..

Diamonds : Are diamonds real.. or not.. Know this..

 Diamonds : Are diamonds real.. or not.. Know this..

Diamonds: Women mostly like to wear gold jewelry and diamond jewelry.  But how do we know whether a diamond is real or not when we buy it..?  In fact, many people have this doubt.  They wonder if the diamond is real or not.  That's why follow these tips.  With this you can easily know whether it is a real diamond or not.  Without further ado look for it in full.

Tips for Finding Genuine Diamonds


 Women who love diamonds

 Tips for identifying real diamonds

 Water test: We can do this test very easily.  For this you first take a glass and fill it with thirty percent water.  Now drop the diamond in it.  If the diamond sinks in the water then it seems that it is real.  If it floats in water then we know it is fake.  A pure diamond has a higher density.  So you can test with water and know.

 Fog test:

 For this you put the diamond between two fingers and exhale.  A little fog comes over it.  By this way we can know whether it is real or not.  But if it is a real diamond, the fog will disappear quickly.  If there is fog then it can be called a fake diamond.  This is how real diamonds get fogged and disappear just as quickly.  So we can easily check the diamond like this.

UV light test:   You take the diamond and put it under the light and then wait for the reaction.  Most diamonds will glow blue when this is done.  Some diamonds do not glow under UV light.  This way you can test easily.  But if it doesn't shine then it is fake.  But don't jump to conclusions as this doesn't happen to every diamond.  Also do another test.

UV light test:

 You take the diamond and put it under the light and then wait for the reaction.  Most diamonds will glow blue when this is done.  Some diamonds do not glow under UV light.  This way you can test easily.  But if it doesn't shine then it is fake.  But don't jump to conclusions as this doesn't happen to every diamond.  Also do another test.


 Diamonds are made of hard material.  Even if it is exposed to high heat, it will not respond.  If it is fake then the heat will take the diamond.  This way you can easily do this test and know.  For this, first pour the water you drink into the glass.  Put gloves on your hands.  Heat the diamond a little and now put it in cold water.  If it shines then it is fake.  If there is no reaction, it is original.  This way you can easily do diamond test.

 Newspaper Test:

 Even with newspaper we can easily test whether a diamond is real or not.  We can do this test very easily at home.  For this you take a newspaper and place the diamond there.  Where the diamond is smooth, it should be placed downwards.  Also make sure the light is bright while you are testing.  Place the newspaper on the side with the letters on it.  There should be no images.  But if you place a diamond on a newspaper like this and the letters are clearly visible, you can confirm that the diamond is fake.  If the diamond is real, you can test the diamond by seeing the light on all sides.

Dot Test:

 If you don't have newspaper then you can do dot test.  This is also a good test.  For this you take a white paper and put a diamond and put a small dot on it.  Bring this diamond to the dot.  You look out from under the diamond.  You can tell a diamond is fake if it has a circular reflection.  If you can't see the dot and not the reflection, then you know the diamond is real.

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